We're Back!

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It’s been quite a while since we last updated the website, and our YouTube channel has been in hibernation for some time. We’ve had some challenges since the back end of 2023 and early 2024 but we’re now back with some renewed energy!

First of all we’ve got some upcoming changes which will happen over the next few weeks:

Website Changes

We’re building a new website! It’ll be simpler than our current one but will reduce quite a bit of the overhead of keeping it up to date, also, it’ll work better on mobile phones and tablets. In addition we’ll be focusing more on longer form content about our views and opinions of theme park related news, rather than posting the news itself.


I’ll (Andy) be taking on a bit more of an active role in the YouTube channel. Previously all of the editing and work on the channel has been driven by Jo, but with our work on our other channels we realised that she needed a bit more support.

So be prepared to have some looser, probably badly edited videos from me in the near future.

Upcoming Trips

As I mentioned at the start we’ve encountered some challenges in the last 12 months that have prevented us from travelling, but we’re back and only a few months away from our next trip. More on this will be posted soon.

The next trip will be a different kind of trip, in that we used to try and get the maximum out of the smallest amount of time, now we’ll be concentrating on more quality time and trying more things that we’ve never done before.

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