Disclosure Policy

As 2315 Media is a resident of the United Kingdom, any activity conducted through our social media accounts would fall under the remit of the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), and as such we follow their guidance produced in co-operation with the Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) and the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). This document will outline how we handle disclosing our various interests on this website and throughout our social media channels.

This will be a living document, updated as required to keep you informed of any changes or when the ASA/CAP/CMA update their guidance.

This document was last updated: 2024-06-25


Advertisements, or ‘paid-for ads’ as defined by the ASA, are advertisements were we accept some form of payment for creating posts on any of our social media or website. In instances where we are posting advertisements we’ll ensure we do the following:

  • On our website, at the top of the article, we’ll mark that the article is an advertisement and ensure that it is clear who purchased the advertising from us.
  • On our social media accounts, we’ll indicate in the description that the post contains an advertisement, and details of who purchased the advertisement will be included. As the ASA guidance suggests, we’ll follow the normal conventions for flagging the post as an advertisement on each social media channel.

Gifted Items

Gifted items consist of items that are provided to us free of charge by a entity with an aim to increase public exposure of the item. This can consist of physical items, access to services, tickets for events, or other items. When disclosing these items we’ll do the following:

  • On our website, at the top of the article, we’ll mark that the item/event we’re discussing was provided as a gift, and make it clear as to who gave it to us.
  • On our social media accounts, we’ll indicate in the description that it was provided as a gift, following the normal conventions for the social media channel.

Referral links are agreements with a business where we will receive a commission based on referring our visitors to their website or social media. In any instance where we use referral links or affiliate schemes we will do the following:

  • On the website, clearly indicate at the top of the page that it contains referral links and that we will potentially receive commission if clicked on.
  • On our social media accounts, indicate in the description text that the link is a referral link and we will potentially receive commission if clicked on.

Further Reading

Change Log

  • 2024-06-18 - Initial revision.
  • 2024-06-20 - Added more ASA reference links.
  • 2024-06-25 - Reference 2315 Media.